Salem Smugglers' Tours

'Clue' Murder Mystery Tour

Bostonian looking at Cod

Do you want to bring your family on just another witch tour in Salem? Or do you want a truly different experience which will entertain and make you look like Sherlock Holmes!

Joseph White Murder illustration

In April 1830, Captain Joseph White was bludgeoned over the head and stabbed over thirteen times with two different knives, but there is very little blood, if any...White had controling interest in the Second National Bank of the United States, was a slave trader of every race and color, and was Salem's most successful privateer. This murder began Nathaniel Hawthorne's literary carrear in the Salem Gazette, inspired Edgar Allan Poe's Tell-Tale Heart, and held the nation riveted.

There are three blackmail letters. Two accussed Stephen White, the nephew, who was the political boss of President John Quincy Adams, Associate Superior Court Justice Joseph Story, and the most famous senator ever Daniel webster. Not only did Stephen control three branches of our government, but he inherited the control of our National Bank from his murdered uncle. One accussed the children of the victim's business partners he sought 'revenge' on! Who did it?

The history books say one thing, but the Parker Brothers in their game 'Clue' say another! The game manufacturers tried to bring out the truth of the murder that involved the mysterious death of their uncle Chief Justice Isaac Parker who died the night of the first trial! Can you figure out the truth? Or did they make it all up to sell games?

The tour will lead you past the houses of all of those involved (including the site of the murder), open up a secret tunnel entrance, and tell the incidents of the murder and trial as you follow along on our 'Clue' app with game cards and extra info.

Tour is based on the books Salem Secret Underground: The History of the Tunnels in the City, Murder on the Common, and Sub Rosa written by your tour guide.

Book way in advance! Tour is limited to the first 50 people, so book now!

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    Salem: More Than Witches!!!Rich Uncle Pennybags


    Joseph White murder'Clue' Murder Mystery Tour Book Bike Tour

    Can you solve the real murder the game was based on while walking through Salem? Interactive phone app. included with Clue Cards.
    8PM October 28th Only!
    Limited to the first 50 people, book in advance!

    ~Click for More Info~


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    The Details for your Private
    Walking Tour

    Chris Dowgin wearing a derby hatMurder Mystery Tour Location: We meet on the Custom House steps on Derby Street.

    Please arrive ten minutes before the tour. We go out in all weather and we do not provide refunds; though you are welcome to reschedule your tour at any time through the year with a week's notice (sometimes we can do the next day).

    The route is flat and easy to manage with many benches along the way. It can get pretty muddy if it rains though, so be prepared.

    Salem: More Than Witches!!!

    Book now button for walking tour

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